I was in the middle of a conversation with one of our sales reps when the thought occurred to me to contact a particular business associate that has a deal going with me that's looking a little shaky at best. In fact, the way the deal has been going down, I felt like it has put our relationship on a little bit shaky ground. Rather than disregard the thought until after the conversation I was having with the sales rep, I (rudely--but my conversation partner wasn't offended) sent off a quick text message to this contact and I coordinated a call with him for after my current conversation.
I called my business contact and had one of the best--most personal--conversations I've had with a business colleague since my employment in this new job (as of about 4 months). We discussed the purpose of life, best business practices, as well as made great headway towards accomplishing all we hope to in business together. In the course of our half hour call, the relationship was built at a level I have rarely ever built business relationships--which is saying a lot for a guy who has built a career in building business relationships.
What if, at that moment, I wouldn't have listened to what Thomas Magnum of Magnum P.I. would call "that little voice inside my head"? What if I wouldn't have called the guy? At the moment I did call, he and I were both in the right frame of mind to have a real and meaningful conversation that moved things forward at a new level--both personally, and for the business. If I hadn't called at that moment, I don't think we ever would have had the conversation we did.
I'm grateful for intuitive impulses to do the thing that needs done in any given moment. I need to get better at recognizing and doing those simple things.
And that's just the kicker: I really think that 9 times out of 10, they ARE simple things we feel impressed to do that will benefit us far more than our personal inginuity and "make it happen" plans will ever give us the ability to do. Immediate action is the key to capitilizing on all that is available from the directions offered by the "superconcious mind" (as motivational speaker/business training specialist, Brian Tracy, refers to these intuitive impulses). If I hadn't acted immediately on the thought I had tonight, I don't think I ever would have achieved the result I did with my business contact. For this an countless other experiences--how grateful I am for the intuitive impulses I receive. Now--if only I can learn to act on more of them.
4 months ago
Too true. I think it is easy to dismiss all those little intuitions. And, if you put it off a couple of seconds, it is too late. cool stuff, thanks for sharing.
I think they call that the Holy Ghost, but who am I to say?
The word verification right now is damingit. No "n", but funny anyway.
Awesome job, Blaine. I like to write down impressions like that when I have them -- since most of mine come in the middle of the night, when most people probably wouldn't appreciate my immediate "intuition." But I've found that when I write something down, I'm probably 90% more likely to actually DO it, instead of letting it slide by. Good reminder.
Sorry Andrea but scheming sales type people need intuition not HG to work their magic.
I have opted for more secular lingo to fit any world view. Personally, I DO call it HG; but I'm pretty sure some of the folks who check in on my blog from time to time don't. So, for their sake, I've opted for some pretty open language. If that makes me a 'scheming sales type' sorry if that bugs ya.
I think creating a relationship with anyone you do business with is the best way to build a good trust. I don't expect to profit from strangers when it comes to relating issues, but If I offer great service and I'm reliable they will come back Why? because they trust me for more then just a business partner: Thanks for Sharing
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