Thursday, May 28, 2009

Outline of My day

My day today:
7:00 am. – woke up
7:00 – 8:00 – prepared a presentation for transafe
8:30 – 1:30 – trained transafe on NUVO
1:30 – 3:00 – Round 1 negotiations of territories w/ Transafe
3:00-3:30 – Look at Crack Seal Demo w/ TranSafe
3:30 – 5:30 – repeat training w/ Transafe
5:30-6:00- talk about TranSafe strategy w/ Ken
7:00 – 9:30- aaa game
9:30-10:30-go see temple
10:30-12:00 Delta7 conference call
12:00-1:30 Recap/Outline Delta7 project
1:30-3:15 – write out dealer program
3:15 – 3:30 – outline day
3:30 – bed.

My Schedule for tomorrow:
7:00 – wake up
8:00 – tranSafe stuff
4:00 – fly home
7 or 8:00 – get home
ASAP thereafter – go to sleep.

Doesn't help that I woke up yesterday at 5:00am, too.

I'm tired.


Lhone said...

why are you blogging??? I hope you can sleep all the way home. you'll need it. Don't worry, we'll let you sleep a ton when you get home (you know, next year).

James Hatch said...

My day, wake up at 8:30, eat french toast and bacon, go golfing, go jogging, read, break your bike, eat dinner, watch tv.

Wade Hone said...

Holy cow man!

rest well sir.

James's Day sounds much more to my liking. :-P

Especialy the french toast... Mmm Mmm good.

BlaineUSA said...

James, FYI: luckily, the store took the bike back as "deffective" . . . you don't get to ride it.